My warehouse

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been pretty consistent with what I’ve been writing about. That’s something that many of you are not that used to. To be honest, I have to say that it was worse before. I could right about anything back then. If I saw a magpie outside of my window, I could wind up writing a whole text about them. You know, that kind of stuff.

Lately, I’ve been writing about the warehouse I work in. That’s my consistency now. I usually don’t write that much about the work that I do. I feel like it’s a good thing to have the blog on one side, and my real life on the other. The warehouse is one thing, my internet persona is another. Does it make sense?

So anyways, I’ve told you the story about how I got the job at the warehouse. I told you about my parents reaction on when I told them I was moving out west. The warehouse was located on the west coast so it wasn’t like I had an alternative. They told me that I would find a job in Boston if I tried. The problem was that I didn’t want to work there. All my friends had moved to California, and that’s the main reason why I wanted to go too. To work in a warehouse, to live on the street – to literarily do whatever. I just wanted to go.

And so I did. I moved and I haven’t looked back since. Warehouse is my profession and boy, am I professional! I worked “on the floor” for 1,5 years until I got promoted the first time. They saw something in me. Or, at least my boss did. She explained that she could see me have a great future at the company. I was glad to hear that. Also glad to be working in a warehouse where something like that could happen to me. I mean, there was definitely no guarantee that such a thing would happen.

Life is good over here. My life feels really good at the moment and I have a lot of things to thank for that. My family is one crucial part. My team at the warehouse is another. I’m really thankful for them and for what they give me every day.

Has anyone here ever worked in a warehouse? I’m curious to hear your opinions on it, and also your stories in general. Please, tell me.

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